Our Mission
Christiana Homeschool Academy assists homeschooling parents in the classical education of their children, nurtures the character, wonder, and imagination of its students, and unites Christians of different traditions in service to God.
Our Vision
To be an academy of Christian families that equips students with all of the tools of learning and trains their affections to love what is True, Good, and Beautiful.
Statement of Faith
As partners with one another in the education of our children, it is necessary to ensure that we are in agreement regarding our expectations of one another. Therefore, we have set forth the guidelines below in order to ensure that we are all of like mind concerning the following important issues regarding our Faith, and the instruction of our children.
We believe in one God who is eternally present in three person: God the Father Almighty, the Creator of Heaven and Earth; God the Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Redeemer; and God the Holy Spirit, who empowers believers. We believe that the Holy Trinity is one God existing in three persons, and three persons existing in one God.
We believe the Bible to be the infallible word of God.
We believe that to be a faithful disciple of Christ involves having a personal relationship with Jesus our Savior, which is enhanced and cultivated by regular attendance at a Christian church.
We believe that God created humans in His image, intentionally and immutably male and female.
We believe that human life is sacred and we profess a pro-life worldview.
We believe that God has ordained marriage to be between one man and one woman.
We believe that Christians have a common enemy whose goal it is to divide believers and conquer the world. Our goal is to unify as Christians so we can, with God’s grace, overcome the evils of our society and spread the Gospel in our communities.
We believe that to be respectful and accepting of the different Faith backgrounds here at the Academy is to be a faithful and loyal servant unto the Lord