I recently discovered that there is a pretty even breakdown of Catholic and Protestant families at CHA. There are 25 different churches represented, 14 Protestant and 11 Catholic. In the administrative board, there is a mix of several different denominations. The most amazing thing is that we fixate on ONE thing..that is Christ crucified, raised and ascended to glory and one day we will be with Him in glory! We serve HIM and seek to spread the gospel, one student at a time, one parent at a time. Beyond that we have a multitude of differences, but we are in a safe place to be able to discuss those calmly. Iron is sharpening iron everyday. And the exciting thing is that our students are sharpening their faith everytime they walk into their classrooms. They are free to ask questions, to seek to understand someone else's views and to state their own views. At the end of the day, not everyone is thinking the same way. But every student goes home to continue the discussion there. That is what makes this successful. The family discussion in the evening is an integral part of this co-op educational experience.
Some choose to go to a more 'like-minded' co-op experience -- there is nothing wrong with that. But after having two kids graduate from this co-op, I like the diversity and the introduction to varying thinking that my kids have experienced. Graduates of the program leave with such a broad knowledge of other denominations and varying theologies, Catholic and Protestant alike, and they have scoured their Bibles, sought out pastors and elders at church with questions and their faith is forming. As is mine! I enjoy these types of conversations each day. I have also gained a new appreciation of the Catholic faith and stand in awe as I watch my Catholic sisters in the Lord lead the charge on issues such as the pro-life movement, traditional marriage, human rights. Those of us in the Protestant persuasion should take note of their zeal and fervor in these issues.
There are a bunch of co-ops out there...Maryland is becoming saturated with many good options. What sets this one apart? It is the fact that we enjoy these great differences that we bring. But you know what? In many ways, we are all the SAME too. We love Jesus and we fixate on Him as we try to figure out this big world!
So what are you afraid of?