These are a few of my favorite eats!
For only 2 quarters I can buy a whole bag,
Send me a dollar and watch what I snag!
For years, high school students at CHA have signed up for a “Bake Sale” date on Wednesday. They get to choose what yummy snack to provide to the CHA student body, and they are responsible for bringing in their pre-bagged goodies ready for sale. When signing up for Bake Sale, the high schooler must choose how they want to apply the money that they will make. Frequently, the high schooler chooses to put the money towards their Prom ticket. Although this year several students are putting their Bake Sale income towards the high school trip to Rome in March. In the past students have donated it to another charity or Eagle Scout project. So sending in money for Bake Sale helps to support our students! Students and parents are responsible for making sure the funds are applied to the agreed upon event or charity.
Bake sale officially begins the first Wednesday in October. Bake sale items are 50 cents each. A parent “CHA job” volunteer sits at both lunches to help collect money and distribute goodies.
What should I make? How many should I make?
Every family is different! Some families buy pre-packed snacks from the store. Some families buy packaged cookies, and repackage them a few to a baggie. Some families love to bake! Some love sweets and some love salty (pretzels, popcorn, etc.). All are acceptable. Please be sure the serving size of your items is fairly standard, and that each bag contains a reasonable serving for 50 cents. Generally, around 125-150 items is a good goal.
What if I don’t have change and need to split $1.00 between two siblings?
No problem! First lunch is K-5th Grade. Typically, the 5th graders get in line for Bake Sale first, then 4th, and so on down to Kindergarten. (This gives the younger children more time to eat their “healthy food” first!) So put the dollar in the lunchbox of your oldest elementary student. Include a post it note, or a verbal message with your responsible child to give the change to their brother or sister. The parent volunteer will make sure that every sibling gets an equal share ;) Second lunch is for 6th-12th Grade and follows first lunch. And it’s not uncommon for POPs and tutors to also bring in 50 cents and indulge in any leftover treats after second lunch ;)
Can my child charge Bake Sale items?
At this time we are not using FACTS for Bake Sale (although you CAN use it for Pizza and Chick-Fil-A Days!). This is because the cash is taken and counted by the high school student at the end of the day to be applied towards their “charity.” And frankly we don’t want to deal in unauthorized charges for cupcakes ;)
Is Bake Sale every Wednesday?
Yes, except on a Wednesday that holiday treats are provided for each class. This year that will occur on Wednesday, February 14th (Valentine’s Treats) and Wednesday, March 13th (Pi Day). A parent from each grade will sign up to bring in a treat for the whole class. (There will also be a sign up for class Christmas treats for Monday, December 11th.)
And finally, please feel free to advertise your bake sale on the CHA Family Facebook page!
Special thanks to Mrs. Lisa Byrd for her input on this piece. This is part of the Board Bits: Tips, Tricks, and Hacks series. Is there a question about CHA or homeschool that you would like answered? Submit inquiries to Tracey at [email protected]